Salary and benefits / Mzda a benefity:
2.200 EUR (gross) / month
The final salary amount will be defined based on the successful candidate´s experience and seniority.
Required date of start / Požadovaný nástup:
Job area / Pracovná oblasť:
Bezpečnosť a ochrana
Required languages / Požadované jazyky:
Anglický jazyk
Job location / Miesto výkonu práce:
Bratislavský kraj
Contract type / Druh pracovného pomeru:
Plný úväzok
Required education level / Požadované vzdelanie:
Vysokoškolské vzdelanie II. stupňa
Vysokoškolské vzdelanie III. stupňa
Main tasks / Náplň práce:
- Coordinating all activities related to health and safety and fire protection
- Preparing and updating HSE documentation
- Executing regular checks and audits
- Monitoring implementation of corrective measures
- Ensuring compliance with respective legislation and regulations
- Organizing HSE trainings for employees
- Managing communication with state authorities and external partners
- Coordinating activities of safety and technical service staff and occupational health service specialists
- Reporting to the headquarters