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Engineering Manager

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Domov » Ponuka » Engineering Manager
Salary and benefits / Mzda a benefity: 

From 4 000 EUR (gross) / month. The final salary amount will be defined based on the successful candidate´s experience and seniority.

Job area / Pracovná oblasť: 
Výroba, inžiniering, údržba
Required languages / Požadované jazyky: 
Anglický jazyk
Job location / Miesto výkonu práce: 
Trenčiansky kraj
Contract type / Druh pracovného pomeru: 
Plný úväzok
Main tasks / Náplň práce: 
  • Managing the Engineering Department (Design, Technology and New Products´ Development)
  • Ensuring standardization of working procedures and instructions
  • Supporting improvement of processes, monitoring improvement KPIs
  • Proposing, planning and implementing automation initiatives and projects in production with the aim to minimize human resources in production
  • Ensuring a smooth production process
  • Managing new projects including projects schedules and details
  • Preparing procedures for new products and/or engineering changes
  • Managing technical documentation for projects
  • Ensuring optimal use of technical equipment
  • Cooperating with other departments

Arthur Hunt

Arthur Hunt Slovensko patrí medzi top Executive Search spoločnosti. Arthur Hunt vznikla v roku 1991 v Paríži vo Francúzsku a patrí medzi najväčšie Executive Search spoločnosti v Európe. Skupina má zastúpenie v ôsmich európskych krajinách: Rakúsku, Českej republike, Francúzsku, Maďarsku, Poľsku, Rumunsku, Rusku a na Slovensku.