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Industrial Program Manager

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Domov » Ponuka » Industrial Program Manager
Salary and benefits / Mzda a benefity: 

4.000 EUR (gross) / month + bonuses + company car

The final salary amount will be defined based on the successful candidate´s experience and seniority.

Required date of start / Požadovaný nástup: 
Upon agreement
Job area / Pracovná oblasť: 
Výroba, inžiniering, údržba
Required languages / Požadované jazyky: 
Anglický jazyk
Job location / Miesto výkonu práce: 
Košický kraj
Contract type / Druh pracovného pomeru: 
Plný úväzok
Required education level / Požadované vzdelanie: 
Vysokoškolské vzdelanie II. stupňa
Vysokoškolské vzdelanie III. stupňa
Main tasks / Náplň práce: 
  • Having full ownership of all industrial development activities within programs
  • Being responsible for the work packages execution for the industrial development of programs at the plant – industrial footprint, plant equipment selection (new / reuse / share), plant layout, MIFD / MIFA, industrial trials…
  • Having responsibilities for launch planning and budget from definition till execution
  • Participating in development of make or buy strategy
  • Being responsible for HSE and ergonomic convergence in the plant from phase 3
  • Defining the Industrial Development Support Team resources in terms of workload, competencies and profiles
  • Managing the team to ensure industrial development and plant launch readiness by conducting reviews, assigning tasks, driving accountability and preparing launch related staffing and training plans
  • Being responsible for approval of HSE and ergonomic convergence until GR2b
  • Managing launch activities at the plant
  • Liaising with the Production and Logistics Teams to plan production related runs / trials
  • Coordinating installation and launch of production equipment and tooling
  • Supporting production during ramp-ups after handovers
  • Managing all industrial development program objectives at the plant – Program Launch Report, Launch Cost and Status, respect of CAPEX, scrap rate, PPM…
  • Ensuring that all industrial development milestones are passed successfully and on time, full respect of HSE mandatory rules and regulations, as well as implementation and compliance with IATF 16949, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001
  • Identifying and implementing best practices
  • Ensuring know-how capitalization and usage of standard forms
  • Conducting and managing the team in line with the Ethical and Managerial Codes
  • Ensuring quality and effectiveness of customer / metal care activities within its responsibilities in accordance with IATF 16949 and the requirements of customers and Slovak law
  • Focusing on understanding of customer requirements for quality processes
  • Communicating with customers regarding requirements for product quality parameters
  • Being responsible for systematic assurance of consistent products in line with customer expectations
  • Ensuring that quality requirements are met in terms of volume, time, quality and efficiency
  • Having responsibility for implementing customer requirements in internal project preparation and understanding customer requirements for quality processes
  • Ensuring that processes fit the intended procedures, as well as customer focus within the organization
  • Carrying out analyzes and recommendations for improvement of quality of products and services for customers
  • Evaluating results and presenting measures to ensure customer requirements, promoting awareness of the seriousness of customer requirements throughout the organization
  • Initializing escalation processes, if necessary, in accordance with the applicable company crisis communication rules
  • Participating actively in all internal / external / customer audits
  • Maintaining confidentiality and confidentiality of the products and projects developed under the contract with the customer and information related to these products (protection of classified information)
  • Identifying risks and opportunities for process improvement
  • Preparing and updating of emergency strategy and emergency plans in accordance with the customer’s requirements

Arthur Hunt

Arthur Hunt Slovensko patrí medzi top Executive Search spoločnosti. Arthur Hunt vznikla v roku 1991 v Paríži vo Francúzsku a patrí medzi najväčšie Executive Search spoločnosti v Európe. Skupina má zastúpenie v ôsmich európskych krajinách: Rakúsku, Českej republike, Francúzsku, Maďarsku, Poľsku, Rumunsku, Rusku a na Slovensku.