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Senior Commissioning Engineer for BMS (Building Management Systems)

Domů » Node » Senior Commissioning Engineer for BMS (Building Management Systems)
Salary and benefits / Mzda a benefity: 

From 3 000 EUR (gross) / month + adjustment of the wage to the usual level in the country of assignment + bonus.

The final salary amount will be defined based on the successful candidate´s experience and seniority.

Required date of start / Požadovaný nástup: 
Upon agreement
Job area / Pracovní oblast: 
Stavebnictví, nemovitosti, facility management
Required languages / Požadované jazyky: 
Anglický jazyk
Job location / Místo výkonu práce: 
Ostatní evropské země/regiony
Contract type / Druh pracovního poměru: 
Plný úvazek
Main tasks / Náplň práce: 
  • Working on customer sites during all commissioning phases - travelling around Europe 70% of working time
  • Working at multiple client sites (data centers, digital buildings…), providing services and support to the clients
  • Maintaining, installing, configuring, and commissioning full suite of products - primarily solutions for building management systems - HVAC, chiller plants, building automation systems
  • Providing design technical documents (system architecture, panel drawings, BOQ…) and technical assistance to the team
  • Designing project technical documentation (system I/O list, BOM, panel drawings, system architecture…)
  • Leading a technical team in project execution, being the single point of contact regarding all project technical topics
  • Being knowledge expert for critical environment and electrical infrastructure
  • Programming BMS systems
  • Designing and implementing HMI (human machine interface) screens and visualizations to provide real-time data and control capabilities for Operators
  • Handling all technical responsibilities for one or more projects, including project specification, functionality, testing and commissioning
  • Being responsible for document preparation and obtaining customer's approval per document specification and schedule
  • Troubleshooting and debugging the systems, identifying and resolving technical issues and optimizing performance
  • Staying updated with industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in BMS and data centers industries

Arthur Hunt

Arthur Hunt Slovensko patrí medzi top Executive Search spoločnosti. Arthur Hunt vznikla v roku 1991 v Paríži vo Francúzsku a patrí medzi najväčšie Executive Search spoločnosti v Európe. Skupina má zastúpenie v ôsmich európskych krajinách: Rakúsku, Českej republike, Francúzsku, Maďarsku, Poľsku, Rumunsku, Rusku a na Slovensku.